The Together for the Gospel conference, which I attended two weeks ago, has stirrred in me thoughts about the necessity of expressions of pan-Reformed unity.
During the time of the Reformation, there was a deep sense among those whom God was using to recover biblical Christianity of a unity in Christ. Scholars today call this International Calvinism.
Again, during the period of awakening in the world of transatlantic Evangelicalism of the eighteenth-century there was also a sense of unity that transcended ecclesiatsical polity lines. Witness the interfacing of Moravian and Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist.
We need such expressions today. The Together for the Gospel conference was one fabulous expression of this. We desperately need something like this in Canada, where those who are Reformed and who love the gospel of free grace have a place where they can encourage one another and be encouraged. A place where we can build lines of fellowship and communication. I have no interest in producing some sort of institutional merger. Rather, what we need is an expression of the organic union that already exists by virtue of our common faith and heritage from the Reformation.
May God give us vision and boldness in this day of harvest!
During the time of the Reformation, there was a deep sense among those whom God was using to recover biblical Christianity of a unity in Christ. Scholars today call this International Calvinism.
Again, during the period of awakening in the world of transatlantic Evangelicalism of the eighteenth-century there was also a sense of unity that transcended ecclesiatsical polity lines. Witness the interfacing of Moravian and Anglican, Presbyterian and Baptist.
We need such expressions today. The Together for the Gospel conference was one fabulous expression of this. We desperately need something like this in Canada, where those who are Reformed and who love the gospel of free grace have a place where they can encourage one another and be encouraged. A place where we can build lines of fellowship and communication. I have no interest in producing some sort of institutional merger. Rather, what we need is an expression of the organic union that already exists by virtue of our common faith and heritage from the Reformation.
May God give us vision and boldness in this day of harvest!
I could not agree more. Something like this is needed in Canada where the vast majority of the people are unbelievers.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:40 p.m.
Unity amongst Reformed brethren is certainly something we all should desire and work towards. The one question, or concern I have is not in unity of doctrine, rather, in the area of godliness. The most common complaint I hear from many Reformed men (particularly younger men) is not in trying to find others who are Reformed theologically, but rather, who are Reformed in their piety. Is it possible that what we need, and my focus here is in the GTA, is to first get rid of this ‘old boys club’ mentality and start holding men accountable for their actions? When Reformed leaders gossip, lie, and hurt others with their harsh words, what should the response be from Reformed leaders in Ontario? To see what just took place in the US happen here would be fantastic! But before that takes place, I wonder if those already in positions of leadership should step up to the plate and not allow those two or three bad apples to continue in their reckless behaviour any longer. In Baptist circles there are several good, Reformed men who want to fellowship with others, but unless the two or three bad apples are dealt with?
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:28 p.m.
Posted by
Tim Etherington |
11:03 a.m.
I have been thinking about similar things! I read the together for the gospel statement, and wondered whether something like it could be used to unite Christians in North America and around the world. One (petty) idea: 9Marks ministries has a 'put your church on the map' link, where American Christians can identify themselves with Mark Dever and 9 Marks. Why not have an international 'put your church on the map' where pastors can identify themselves as strongly holding to the affirmations and denials of the together for the gospel statement? It's a great statement and is a concrete expression of conservative Christianity, in the face of the ever broadening, and ever compromising contemporary evangelicalism. Of course, this would just be a start. But would it be a good place to start?
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:12 p.m.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:10 p.m.
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:14 p.m.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:56 p.m.